Taiwan Computer Music Association + overtone singing

HsinChu computer music announcement


Today joined a nice program of computer music from my friend, composer and professor Tzeng Shingkwei. I heard some wonderful versions of Hakka singing with piano and/or electronics, electro-acoustic music by a Tarogo composer/improvisor and some excellent vintage-sounding electronic music studio work – almost like early Stockhausen works. Then I gave my vocal response to this digital input (also using a Sakha Jew’s harp) and sang some overtones with my sruti box. Finally, professor Tzeng and I did a new piece of him together, with live sampling/effects of our voices.

One-Day Workshop Overtone Singing / Paraphony (May 12 and 21)

(info in chinese below)

After years of, well, silence as a voice teacher in Taiwan, I am going to make some sound and noise again. In May there will be two one-day workshops held in the Shih-Da area in Taipei. Perhaps you know someone who wants to join. Or you could prepare your own, unique Mother’s Day serenade. There’ll be full Chinese translation as well and you can find more info in Chinese below and on http://www.hansuna.blogspot.com/

teaching at Taidong’s St. Mary’s hospital, March 2012

Paraphony is Mark van Tongeren’s approach to sound and music. It reflects his longstanding practice and study of musical techniques from Tuva, Mongolia & Tibet, musical improvisation, avant-garde and experimental music, theatre and performance art, as well as yoga and meditation.

This basic workshop is an introduction to that approach for musicians and non-musicans alike. In the morning we will start with ‘voice-yoga’ exercises to develop attention for body, mind and sound, and explore basic techniques for using the resonances of the natural voice.

After a lunch break, we will listen to and try specific techniques for singing harmonics, and combine voices to work with simple sound structures and compositions. We will finish with a group improvisation.

“聲音瑜珈”… 泛音工作坊

 Voice Yoga by Mark van Tongeren

日期: 5/12(六) 及 5/21(一)
時間: 早上9:30 ~ 下午4:00
主題: Voice Yoga * 泛音工作坊
老師: Mark van Tongeren
費用: NT$3000/每場
人數: 12位


在馬克老師返回歐洲前,五月將舉辦兩天的 Voice Yoga 工作坊。
也會對我們自己的聲音 有更寬廣的探索與領悟!
這次特別邀請 台大音樂系研究所助教 協助翻譯,
馬克老師blog: https://fusica.wordpress.com/

* 報名優惠 *
– 參加過{玩聲音音樂會}者: 可抵$600元
– 兩人同行: NT$5000

* 匯款帳號 *
銀行: 第一銀行 古亭分行 (代號:007)
帳號: 171-68-063496
姓名: 高立言

* 心得分享 *
他的聲音超越了美,對我而言,那是真實,包容了好聽 及無法定義的奇幻!

有一場演出,馬克老師說: 他一開始發出的聲音{很醜}! 哈~{醜}的聲音?!


1995年獲頒吐瓦的 《國際喉音泛唱獎》; 2000年出版 Overtone Singing一書。
重要的是: 當你明白馬克是如何對聲音臣服,如何忠於自己的心