Musical pearls from Tuva in Taiwan

TuvaHorsePeoplesmall本活動中文詳細資訊請見本信下方說明。TuvanPearls EDM:


In April two excellent musicians and friends from Tuva are coming to Taiwan, so that people here can get better acquainted with this fascinating musical culture from the North. Get to know Tuvan music and culture and learn throat singing directly from established, original masters!

be amazed by Tuva’s signature sounds of throat singing

hear the beats of the shaman drum and Jew’s harp

resonate with the buzzing strings of horse-head fiddles and lute

get blown away by flutes from the steppe


Saturday April 11, 19:30   Concert Pearls from Siberia, at Wistaria Teahouse.

Donation-based. Very limited seats!

Wistariateahouselogo紫藤廬 At Wistaria, an atmospheric original Japanese building, you will be seated on tatami mats. The concert is purely acoustic, so you can enjoy the sounds directly with your own ears. An excellent way to get to know the amazing acoustic world that Tuvans have developed over the centuries. Tuva’s auditory culture has become an icon in the last two decades for its remarkable throat singing techniques, which they share with Mongolia. Choduraa Tumat and Otkun Dostay both perform seveal throat singing techniques, which you will be able to hear at close range: the soft, light technique called khöömei, the whistle-like sygyt and the thundering low kargyraa. In Tuva we also find the horse-head fiddle (igil) and erhu-like fiddle (byzaanchy), lutes (doshpuluur, chanzy) and flute (shoor), the Jew’s harp (khomus) and the shaman’s drum (dunggur), among others. Choduraa Tumat and Otkun Dostay master many of these and will play tunes and pieces from different regions and times in Tuva. Songs and pieces will be alternated with stories about and from Tuva and its rich musical folklore. The only public Tuvan concert in a very special intimate setting!

As a donation we suggest 500 NT$ for the perfomance, tea and a snack. Call Wistaria and leave your name and number for a seat: (02)2363-7375 or register here.

This event is sponsored by Wistaria.

Sunday April 12,  10-17      1-day workshop Tuvan throat singing and culture, at Canjune Training Center

CanjuneGymnasiumLearn to sing khöömei, sygyt and/or kargyraa with Otkun Dostay and Choduraa Tumat. The one-day Throat Singing workshop will have not just one, but two expert throat singers, including a female throat singer. A rare opportunity to learn the three basic Tuvan styles of throat singing: khöömei, sygyt and kargyraa, which tend to be a little softer and therefore easier than the Mongolian counterpart. During the day you will learn about Tuvan music and culture and get plenty of chance to hear throat singing and try it for yourself. With a maximum of 15 students (plus perhaps a few listeners), there is a chance to get personal feedback from Choduraa or Otkun for everyone. About half the time will be devoted to throat singing, the other half to other music and culture of Tuva.

Otkun Dostay teaching khöömei in Venice

Otkun Dostay teaching khöömei in Venice

We aim at a 50/50 divide of male/female voices. The workshop is held in English/Russian with Chinese translation. Mark will be there to help translate Russian-English, if needed.

If you are interested and want to reserve a place, you can call or write Mark (, 0910382749) or Wu Wentsui (, 0928867512).

This event is sponsored by Canjune.

Monday April 13, 19:30-21:30      Concert Tuvan music and culture. National Chengchi University, Arts and Culture Center, Audiovisual Theatre

NCCUArtsAndCultureCenterThis presentation features introductions, videos about the beautiful, unknown land of Tuva, a display of many styles of throat singing and different musical instruments. Choduraa Tumat and Otkun Dostay both perform seveal throat singing techniques: the soft, light technique called khöömei, the whistle-like sygyt and the thundering low kargyraa and other substyles. They will also present a selection of pieces and instruments found in Tuva, such as the horse-head fiddle (igil) and erhu-like fiddle (byzaanchy), lutes (doshpuluur, chanzy) and flute (shoor), the Jew’s harp (khomus) and the shaman’s drum (dunggur). Choduraa Tumat and Otkun Dostay master many of these. Songs and pieces will be alternated with stories about and from Tuva and its rich musical folklore. Afterwards there is a chance to talk to the musicians during the Q&A.

Mongolian_tibetan_commission_logoThe concert at NCCU is free and open for everyone.  Just register here. Without reservation there may still be places when you come, there is no guarantee but there are 300+ seats.

This event is sponsored by the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission in Taiwan.



Otkun Dostay

OtkunDostayIgilLiveSmallIn the late 1980s Dostay was the youngest member of the internationally acclaimed Tuva Ensemble. During the late Soviet era he enrolled a theatre school in Leningrad (now Sint-Petersburg), and was engaged in acting, dancing and storytelling. With fellow students Stanislav Iril and Olaak Ondar he took part in Buddhist ceremonies in Leningrad and founded the group Özüm (‘sprouts’). They recorded their first CD in 1991, published by Window to Europe/Orpheus. Dostay has continued to direct Özüm with changing group members over time. He plays horse-head fiddle, all the Tuvan varieties of Jew’s harp and the shaman’s drum. He organised festivals to commemorate the great throat-singer Gennadi Tumat in his native village Khandagayti. He is currently active as the founder-director of the Tuvan-Japanese friendship Center and works as a correspondent for Tuvan State Radio, under the State TV & Radio Company. He regularly performs in solo, duo and ensemble projects, which he toured in Germany, Italy, Norway, The Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Morroco, Japan and China. He has been involved in recording, producing and playing on several CDs of Tuvan music published in Russia, Japan and Europe. In 2013 he published his first solo CD, an exciting mix of traditional songs and melodies with 21st-century sounds.

Özüm 1998 CDsmall 

Choduraa Tumat

ChoduraaTumatTreeSmallBorn in Western Tuva, as a girl Tumat was fond of listening to khoomei and sygyt throat singing performed by her brothers. She studied traditional music in music college in Tuva and went on to become one of the world’s most active female overtone/throat singers, as well as the founder and artistic leader of the all-female throat-singing folk ensemble Tyva Kyzy (‘Daughters of Tuva’, She is an accomplished performer of all basic throat-singing styles, sings traditional folk songs, and plays various Tuvan string instruments, Jew’s harps and zither. As a performer, she received many titles in Tuva. She is a teacher of traditional music and khöömei throat-singing at the Pedagogical College of Tuvan State University in Tuva’s capitol Kyzyl. With Tyva Kyzy and with solo projects she toured extensivly in the USA, Poland, Russia, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Japan. She recorded and released several CDs and DVDs, among which her outstanding solo CD Belek/ The Gift.



《西伯利亞溫暖的靈魂之聲》2015 台灣



《圖瓦的女兒》Tyva Kyzy 主唱楚都拉.圖瑪特 (Chodurra Tumat)
《圖瓦樂團》Tuva Ensemble 歐特昆.都斯泰(Otkun Dostay)

《泛音歌唱》Overtone Singing作者與【共鳴】泛音課程教師及表演者Mark van Tongeren 馬克.范.湯格鄰策劃

本系列活動更多詳情及最新資訊請見 ;
活動聯絡信箱 連絡人 Mark / 李小姐


俄羅斯境內的圖瓦共和國(Republic of Tuva)位於西伯利亞南部,與蒙語毗鄰,以具特色的喉音(throat singing)音樂引起全球音樂界的注意。著名的音樂家Sainkho Namtchylak就曾多次到台灣演出,以圖瓦音樂吟唱與爵士樂、電子樂等前衛即興音樂結合,讓台灣聽眾認識圖瓦傳統音樂的多樣性。


圖瓦喉音大致區分為以下幾種,包括khoomei(呼麥)、kargyraa(卡基拉)、sygyt(西奇)、chylandyk(蟋蟀鳴聲)、dumchuktaar(鼻音卡基拉)、ezengileer(馬鐙式唱法)、borbangnadyr(流水滾動音)等。此次獲邀來台表演的兩位音樂家楚都拉.圖瑪特Choduraa Tumat與歐特昆.都斯泰Otkun Dostay精於傳統圖瓦曲調、樂器演奏與喉音的各種技巧。楚都拉善於低沉的卡基拉與高音的西奇哨音。歐特昆則習於以內斂有致的呼麥演唱。

除了精湛的喉音,二人也精通各種傳統樂器。歐特昆演奏的樂器包含馬頭琴、雙弦琵琶 、薩滿鼓(dunggur)。楚都拉彈箏(chadagan)、拉奏雙弦胡琴、也吹奏橫笛(shoor)和口簧琴(khomus)。他們的音樂表演類型涵蓋圖瓦草根音樂、現代實驗音樂、長敘事曲、快板小調、傳統搖籃曲、民謠及召喚草原的樂器演奏。


Choduraa Tumat 楚都拉.圖瑪特

《圖瓦的女兒》女子喉音團體的團長楚都拉,1974年生於圖瓦共和國的Lyme小鎮,自小聽兄長唱呼麥及西奇,耳濡目染下喜歡上喉音。 女性喉音在圖瓦被視為禁忌,身為女性喉音演唱家,楚都拉勇敢地推動女性喉音,成立《圖瓦的女兒》女子喉音團體打破女性不得學習喉音演唱的傳統禁忌 。楚都拉為圖瓦的全才型藝術家,精通喉音中的各種技巧如繞富韻致的呼麥、低沉的卡基拉、高繞的西奇哨音、和如騎馬般充滿節律性的馬鐙唱法 ,曾獲邀至法國、德國、日本、芬蘭、瑞典、西班牙等地演出。楚都拉亦著力傳承喉音,在圖瓦多所大學及兒童音樂學校執教,推廣女性喉音。

Otkun Dostay 歐特昆.都斯泰

1970年生於圖瓦Khandagaity小鎮,為知名喉音演唱與馬頭琴表演者,亦是著名圖瓦民族音樂團體《圖瓦樂團》Tuva Ensemble的一員,於音樂上有卓越的成就,不斷受邀至日本、土耳其及荷蘭等地演出。歐特昆一直以來致力於圖瓦傳統音樂的傳承與創新,舉辦圖瓦喉音國際音樂節《Övur之地—西奇與呼麥》(Sygyt and khoomei in the land of Övur)。他不僅擔任全女子喉音團體《圖瓦的女兒》的經紀人,同時也在電視台製作音樂節目,極力推廣傳統音樂。目前於圖瓦的聯合國教科文組織UNESCO部門擔任主席。



時間:2015.4.11 (週六)19:30-21:00(19:00 開放觀眾入座)
音樂會採登記報名:請電洽紫藤廬(02)2363-7375 留下您的姓名電話完成報名
現場每人酌收活動費用 500 元,贊助音樂家演出及當日茶點供應。








《圖瓦的女兒》Tyva Kyzy 主唱楚都拉.圖瑪特 (Choduraa Tumat)
《圖瓦樂團》Tuva Ensemble 歐特昆.都斯泰(Otkun Dostay)

時間:2015.4.12(週日)10:00-17:00 (中間一小時休息)
報名請洽:0928-867-512 / 連絡人:吳小姐

課程更多詳情及最新消息公佈請見 ;


《圖瓦的女兒》Tyva Kyzy 主唱楚都拉.圖瑪特 (Choduraa Tumat)
《圖瓦樂團》Tuva Ensemble 歐特昆.都斯泰(Otkun Dostay)



時間: 2015.4.13 (週一)19:30-21:30(19:00開放入場)
活動對外開放報名 現場採自由入座。
洽詢電話: (02)2939-3091 分機 63394 張小姐


Now online: 2 radioshows about throat singing

Slava Kuchenov at the rock formations of Salbyk, Khakassiya. Photo by Mark van Tongeren

Slava Kuchenov at the rock formations of Salbyk, Khakassiya. Photo: Mark van Tongeren 2005

Two programs have just been broadcast online with great recordings of Tuvan and Khakass throat singers. Both are produced by long-time throat singing afficionados who have traveled to Tuva/Khakassiya and deeply involved themselves with Southern Siberian music culture. A unique chance to hear many recordings you will not easily find, or even never find at all. Never mind the Dutch- and Norwegian-language presenters, most of the program is music.

Quick access: Tuvan throat singers and Siberian epic

Read more about it:


One show is by Norwegian Morten Abildsnes, and is devoted to throat singers who have passed away in the last 10 years. An important theme which asks our attention to the tragic and untimely fate of many great Tuvan musicians, and which honours them once more (“post-mortem”).  Don’t wait to listen to his one! Only a few weeks are left before it goes offline.

Morten Abildsnes

Morten Abildsnes

The artists presented are:
Ayas Danzyryn 1976–2005
Timur Kara-sal 1973–2005
Mönggün-ool Dambashtai 1956–2009
Aleksandr Sarzhat-ool 1957–2011
Aldyn-ool Sevek 1962–2011
Kongar-ool Ondar 1962–2013
Vladimir Oidupaa 1949–2013
Oktyabr Saaya 1968–2012

The internet-streaming can be heard here
To listen to the program find the black-and-grey player box with the title “Repriser” on the same page, and click the line with the text “Sort Kanal 02.02.2015”. On a narrow screen, you might need to scroll further down the page to find the “Repriser” player. On a broad screen, it might lie right under the black-red-black box.
On this page you can find the playlist.


The Dutch program is by Russian-Dutch producer, field-recordist, DJ Maxim Chapochnikov from Amsterdam, founder of Window to Europe. He first travelled to South-Siberia in the early 1990s. On one of his trips he met Slava Kuchenov, who had just received a calling from the spirit of khaidzhi, or epic story-tellers/reciters. Without any further experience or help, Kuchenov build himself an instrument and started reciting ancient stories about Khakass heroes. Kuchenov is and was a very clear case of a young man who does not set out to learn epic singing, but who receives a divine gift to tell epic stories. They just appeared to him, without first learning them by heart, like dreams appear to us. Maksim was there to capture this gift on mic right when it happened (of course Kuchenov still recites epics nowadays). Maksim presents a large part of the original recording in his radioshow. After a Dutch introduction you can hear almost one hour of Khakass epic throat singing. To listen, click on the link below, then click on the small loudspeaker to the right of the words “22:00 – 23:00 De Zwervende Microfoon”.Screen shot 2015-02-08 at 13.33.24


Maksim Chapochnikov (photo by Mediamatic)

Maksim Chapochnikov (photo by Mediamatic)

Thanks to Maxim and Morten for sharing these recordings from their collections! Enjoy listening!

Sainkho Namtchylak returns to Taipei

sainkho- DOM Moscow 2005-
Tuvan folksong / extended vocal techniques / throat singing-diva Sainkho performs once again in Taiwan. Sainkho was born in Soviet-era Tuva, in a Siberian outpost within eyesight of Mongolia. She developed more than average singing skills and during the late 1980s she took advantage of the political/cultural reformations (perestroika) to set out on an innovative career that soon put her in the international ranks of outstanding, progressive singers.

She moved to Austria in 1994, and was begged to come back to Tuva by president Sholban Kara-ool this month, while she visited Tuva.

She established her name with sweat and original interpretations of Tuvan songs in the early 1990s and experimental work. Nowadays much of Sainkho’s output is ecclectic, avant-garde, with an electrifying, ear-catching aura to it. She is an amazingly busy and energetic performer, who constantly travels the world to collaborate with ever new musicians, pouring out CD after CD, and re-inventing herself every year.

Exactly ten years ago, she gave a memorable concert in Zhongshan Hall, and a throat singing workshop in TNUA (reported in Chung Mingder’s book OM. Overtone singing as meditation). At that time she brought with her German Popov, an old friend of mine from Amsterdam (born in the Ukraine), and singer/guitarist Caspar David Sacker from Austria. I am happy to see that this time she works with a local musician (and again a friend of mine), the Taipei-based pianist Lee Shih-Yang. Also taking part will be Dickson Dee, a Hong Kong sound artist.

This concert is highly recommended for all people interested in Tuvan/Mongolian music, throat singing and new vocal techniques. When I spread this message through my Fusica newsletter there were still tickets left. Now there aren’t…  But I had reserved a bunch of tickets for the students of my R E S O N A N C E  course through Lee Shih-Yang. If you are interested respond quick (reply below) and I can see if he still has a ticket for the October 5 show for you . Tickets are 500 NT$ minus a little discount. Hope to see you there!

2014新點子樂展Innovation Series – 人聲風景「即興篇」
SoundScape-Improvisation Across the Horizon


Videolink Youku

Experimental Theatre

October 4 19:00

October 5, 14:30

Tuvan/Chinese throat-singing festival

I received news from Aldar Tamdyn, the good-hearted and pun-loving member of the Tuvan group Chirgilchin, who is now also the director of the Tuvan Cultural Center. There will be a combined festival of throat singing (khöömei, in Tuvan) to be held in Tuva AND in China. It is possible for participants (khoomeigie as Aldar calls them) to make the journey from Tuva to China with the Tuvan musicians, which promises to be an outstanding opportunity to immerse yourself deeply in throat singing and meet a lot of musicians from both sides of the Russian-Mongolian border.

Aldar wrote:

“Greetings Khoomeigie!
The Tuvan Cultural Center would like to personally invite you to the 2014 “Music of the Great Steppe Festival”. The festival will take place in Kyzyl, Tuva, Russia June 26-28, 2014. Participants are being invited from all over the world. We welcome your participation at our festival in the birthplace of Khoomei culture.”

Foreign throat singers and guttural artists who want to join the competition should get in touch with the organisers as soon as possible. If you have never been to Tuva and dream about once doing it, then perhaps this may be a good opportunity. Send an email to to register.

There is a chance to study in small groups with the excellent musicians
of Chirgilchin:

“We are also offering special master classes for those who choose to arrive in Tuva early. These classes will be taught by contemporary masters of the craft:

Mongun-ool Ondar, the recent recipient of “Notable Artist Of The Russian Federation” as well as many times Grand Prix winner of the International Khoomei Symposium and member of the world famous group, Chirgilchin.

Igor Koshkendey, recipient of the coveted “Throat Singer of the People of the Republic of Tuva”, a member of the Tuvan National Orchestra as well as a member of Chirgilchin.

Other teachers will include other members of the Tuvan National Orchestra, Ensemble Tuva, Alash, and Tyva Kyzy.

This is an incredible opportunity for the Khoomeigie enthusiast.
These Master classes will take place from June 19th thru the 28th.

During this meeting, we will be forming duets and trios with the students. Then we will drive to China to participate in the Throat Singing Festival for ensembles in Manchuria. “

This festival, the first festival of traditional Asian overtone singing to be held in China, takes place in the city of Manzhouli from July 5 to 9, 2014.

Manzhouli (map) is just across the Siberian border, and slightly east of the Republic of Mongolia. I guess it’s about a two-day car-journey from Tuva’s capital Kyzyl. Since it is a multinational event, permits to cross the border at Manzhouli should be included in the package or easy to obtain on the spot with the invitation of the festival.

The Tuvan Cultural Centre website offers a bit more information:
“The competition will be attended by the unique folklore groups from different parts of Russia, China and the Republic of Tuva. Organizers invite throat singers from other countries to participate in soloist competition.

To participate in the contest a competitor must complete an application and return it no later than May 1, 2014 by e -mail:”

Please also check the Tuvan Cultural Center’s website, I suggest to those who are interested to write to the above email address a.s.a.p., to find out more details about participation fees, program, accommodation, visa, et cetera.

Catch a video of Chirgilchin playing for goats here on Youtube. “Chirgilchin normally plays music for people about goats. This performance is a song for goats about people.”

Hans is Back! Showtime!

Concert announcement. For English: see below.


聲音的饗宴: 客廳音樂會 = 8/23(五) 晚上7:30~9:00

真不知道 {人} 也可以發出這樣的聲音!
卻可以在這個小小的體內 招喚出各種形式與力量的聲音.
這聲音, 不是歌唱或是模擬任何對象
馬克說: 身體就是樂器呀!
還有看得見與看不見的 所有存在
音樂大師: 泛唱 Mark 與 頌缽 Hans
日期: 2013年8/23(五) !new!
時間: 晚上7:30-9:00 (1.5hr)
費用: NT$600(每位)
名額: 15位
1) 1hr聲音的景緻: 人聲泛音, 頌缽
2) 0.5hr玩聲音: 泛唱練習, 現場敲缽體驗
附註: 本活動須事先報名 + 完成繳費
銀行: 第一銀行 古亭分行 (代號: 007)
帳號: 171-68-063496 (姓名:高立言)
伙伴請攜帶輕薄披肩或襪子. 現場備有茶點輕食
(尋)…粗聲暫發; (伺)…細聲隨行
辯證到到 “無尋無伺”, 是佛經中關於心的定靜慮的境界
這是佛光大學 生命與宗教學系 林香君教授
Hans的 ≪頌缽音樂會≫所下的標題!

MarkHans 親自帶領. 大師合作, 精彩可期!

Hans de Back, world-renowned percussionist/singing bowl/gong player from Holland, has returned to Taiwan once again. Hans and Mark will share the intimate ‘stage’ of HansUna’s singing bowl paradise for another evening of bowls, bells, gong, sruti’s, Jew’s harps and overtone singing.
Date and time
Friday, August 23, 2013, from 19:30 till 21.
One hour of live music, plus 30 minutes of Q&A,
with some exercises to try some of our sounds for yourselves.
Damage: 600 NT$.
You can reserve a seat by writing an email to Una Kao:
and do bring some friends if you like!
If you cannot make it, keep an eye on our blogs/Facebook. We’ll have one or two more houseconcerts in ShiDa: in October (maybe) and in November (29).

Attending conference on Overtone Singing in Sardinia

Conference Sardinia

Conference Sardinia

End of next week I return to Europe again to attend a conference entitled “Music practices, identity and tradition: overtone and polyphonic singing in Sardinia and Central Asia.” It is organised by Sabrina Salis of the University of Sassari, Sardinia. Speakers and performers include Gian Nicola Spanu from the University of Sassari, Populos Tenore Nugoresu, Keith Howard from SOAS, London and myself. I’ll give a workshop and talk. Here is the abstract of my talk:

Discourses of authenticity surrounding traditional overtone singing practices.

The technique of singing overtones has been capturing the attention of a steadily growing number of listeners over the past decades. For audiences and practicing musicians alike, it brings to the forefront facts of the musical nature of an auditory reality that is inhabited by humans all over the world. For audiences new to the ability of the human voice to produce several pitches at the same time, the phenomenon itself leads to a breakthrough of habitual patterns of auditory perception and cognition; it may become a catalyst for deeper, personal transformations on levels beyond musical and auditory realms. For certain musicians from Sardinia, Tibet and the Altai-region, who are part of older traditions, the phenomenon itself is obviously not new. What is new, is the scientifically informed discourse that develops around their music, and also the associations that audiences make between their own traditional music on the one hand, and different traditions and (ancient) philosophical ideas about music on the other. Scientific discourse and ancient music philosophies are thus informed by previously unknown, older musical traditions, and vice versa.


Traditions, like those kept alive by Tibetan choirs, North-Asian throat singers and Sardinian polyphonic groups, sometimes lend authority, authenticity and credibility to singing harmonics for musicians outside these traditions. But what does this authority-claim mean for those inside and outside the traditions? Who are claiming what and on what bases? For example, how do non-traditional overtone singers use or abuse various traditions? Is it right to claim that traditions have a higher authority over certain musical techniques, in this case, overtone singing? Can this authority be extended to musical or acoustic phenomena as such? Several case studies from the literature and fieldwork will show the complexity of this issue, with different stances taken by musicians (and a scholar) inside and outside traditions. The overall picture emerging from such comparisons expands on the idea of my PhD Thresholds of the audible: about the polyphony of the body (2013). It shows that music, in theory and in practice, is a tool for drawing boundaries that inevitably keep fluctuating.

Workshop overtone/throat singing in Taipei

When: Sunday April 28 , 2013, 10 AM – 4:30 PM

Where: Can June Training Centre, Taipei

Chinese version of this post can be found here

Learning throat singing in Teeli, Tuva, 1993. Photo by Mark van Tongeren.

Learning throat singing in Teeli, Tuva, 1993. Photo by Mark van Tongeren.

Contents of the workshop

The workshop introduces a number of basic exercises that allows singers and non-singers to develop a different attitude towards making sound and listening to sound. At the beginning, a number of exercises prepares us for breaking new musical ground. They deal with four themes: breath, resonance, silence and the interconnectedness of sound, body & mind. Gradually we focus more on listening to and singing our own harmonics.

Focus for today

On this day we will pay extra attention to throat singing techniques, as practised in Tuva and Mongolia. Throat singing is a particular variant of overtone singing (but we might as well say the reverse: that modern types of overtone singing are particular varieties of the older throat singing techniques from Central –North Asia). Throat singing requires special attention to the use of pressure on the vocal chords, necessary to obtain that powerful, distinct sound quality that makes throat singing unique among the world’s vocal techniques. Mark’s method assures that no one gets hurt.

For whom?

Every one-day workshop of overtone singing by Mark van Tongeren is a sound journey. Participants from very different backgrounds are gently led to discoveries that suit their own needs. The starting point is your own path as a musician, a speaker, a communicator or simply as a human being. Everyone is invited to participate and share. No previous is required, but familiarity with Mark’s Voice of Dao lessons will give you an advantage.

About the teacher

Mark van Tongeren is a musician and holds a PhD in music. He has traveled to Tuva to study with throat singers since 1993, and has worked with musicians from all other traditions as well (Mongolia, Altai, Khakassiya, Tibet, Bashkortostan, Sardinia, South Africa, in addition to avant-garde pioneers like Michael Vetter). He makes obscure vocal techniques and insiders’ knowledge available and accessible through lively examples, structured exercises, and explanations that reveal a profound understanding of the field of harmonics and overtone singing as a whole.

3.12 Andrei Opei in yurt 75jepg

Tuvan throat singer and composer Andrei Öpei sings ina yurt. Teeli, 2000. Photo by Mark van Tongeren.

Registration and fees

Please register by sending an email to Una Kao: (in Chinese or English) or to Mark van Tongeren: (English only).

The fee for the one-day workshop is 3000 NT$, to be paid before the beginning of the workshop on the day itself. There is a discount if you bring a friend: then you pay NT$ 5000 instead of NT$ 3000. Those who have attended concerts, workshops or several weekly Voice of Dao sessions, may also be eligible for a discount. Please write us for the conditions or if you have any questions.

Chinese version of this post can be found here at Hansuna’s blog.

Tuvans in Beijing!

Otkun Dostai Choduraa Tumat

Otkun Dostai Choduraa Tumat

Friends in Beijing, don’t miss this opportunity:

Otkun and Choduraa bring their authentic and yet innovative Tuvan music to China for the first time. Take your chance to learn throat singing from original Tuvan masters!

Jan 13 SUN 16:00   Zajia Music Workshop:

Tuvan Traditional Throat Singing
with Choduraa Tumat and Otkun Dostay

Admission: 60rmb (student:40rmb)

Seats for the workshop are limited, please book your seat at

特邀图瓦音乐家:Choduraa Tumat 和Otkun Dostay

Tuvan Traditional Throat Singing with Choduraa Tumat and Otkun Dostay

工作坊时间 :1月13日(周日)下午4点
workshop: Jan 13(SUN) 4:00pm  60rmb(student:40rmb) and the class is in English

The website of Zajialab / Beijing Project Space:


Zajialab is a wonderful alternative space for arts events, and also the one and only distributor in China of my book/cd Overtone Singing, my solo cd Paraphony and Parafonia’s cd Sphere.

Sangpuy’s new cd Dalan


Today is a special day for the Katipul tribe in Jrben village, Taidong. It is the end of the Big Hunt Ceremony, an age-group ritual held every year where boys learn about hunting and traditional territory, the social system of the tribe, perform dances and songs in the night, and where respect is paid to elders and those who have suffered from loss and tragedy in the past year. Once I had the privilege to join the ceremony. That was in 2004, when I spent two months in Taiwan learning traditional songs and dances from the Katipul, Amis, Bunun, Saisiat and Tayal tribes.


I vividly remember those days spend down in the valley where the Jrben hotspring hotels are, at the riverside. It began with rituals in the village to mark the places of various historic events and to visit traditional tribal boundaries. Today, as then, the morning of the 31st of december marked the return of the men from their hunting camp. Women dress up beautifully to receive them, and a series of rituals is performed in an open field.


Performing songs and round dances in Jrben’s Katipul community (photo by Mark van Tongeren)

Later in the morning young men go through the community to visit private houses of those who lost a family member in the past year. At every courtyard the men line up in their traditional dress to perform a song and dance that ends the period of grieve and isolation of the widow or widower and other relatives. At times this is a very moving ceremony, where the tragedy of loss is felt by all present. The words spoken, and the songs and dances energetically re-enacted by beautiful and strong young men, provides genuine relief and consolation and shows how closely knit the Katipul community is. (for completeness sake, I should add that the cd uses ‘Katatripul’ instead of Katipul).

A central figure in the ceremonies, then and now, is multi-talented performer known by his tribal name as Sangpuy Katatepan Mavaliyw. He belongs to this rare species of individuals who tend to be the focal point for many people around them, whatever they do. They may be performers, they may be natural leaders, or they may be ruthless dare-devils. When such talents are bestowed upon someone already at a young age, it is easy to become engulfed in one’s own power. Not so with Sangpuy: it was clear, also in 2004 when he was in his mid-twenties, that he carried his responsibilities towards the younger age group and the elders. Sangpuy formed a natural bridge between elders, such as the much respected elder singer Valikay, and his own and younger generations.


Valikay and Sangpuy at the Big Hunt Ceremony, december 2004

Valikay and Sangpuy at the Big Hunt Ceremony, december 2004 (Photo by Mark van Tongeren)

In 2004 Sangpuy taught me some of Katipul’s songs and dances, made a double-nose-flute (‘ma-omui’) for me and showed me how to play it. I did my best to learn a melody played by him for a year or so, but did not get very far, mainly because playing requires considerable control over a very small airflow coming out of the two passages of the nose. But Sangpuy quickly picked up some of my throat singing techniques and quatrain-singing from Tuva (Siberia), which he immediately transformed to quatrains and guttural sounds in his native tongue, causing roaring laughter from everyone present.


Making of the ma-omui double-nose-flute Sangpuy offered to me. As he writes in the cd, "Every hand-made nose flute is unique, exclusive, one and only."

Making of the ma-omui double-nose-flute Sangpuy offered to me. As he writes in the cd, “Every hand-made nose flute is unique, exclusive, one and only.” (Photo by Mark van Tongeren)

I was struck by the ease and fluidity with which Sangpuy sang, by the pleasant sonority of his voice whether singing or speaking. Last year, when I visited the men coming back from the hunting camp, I saw an exhausted Sangpuy who had missed many hours of sleep (if he had slept at all), dragging himself from one ceremony or function to the next. His voice, though rough and tired, kept a convincing, natural power: there was no question that anyone else could take over his functions.


Already in 2004 I heard Sangpuy’s characteristic voice on several cds. During the Bihg Hunt Ceremony we often woke up at the river bank with a fine cd of his singing accompanied by guitar and a choral group. The night before we had heard him and the other men singing. I am lucky to have heard how Valikay at his old age could still produce his typical, forceful falsetto, either alone or alternating with Sangpuy and another elder singer, because several years ago Valikay has passed away.


Perhaps Valikay’s passing away is part of the reason why Sangpuy is taking his calling to a new level. He spend much time to set up his own studio, with the aim of producing a new album of his own music. About two months ago I received an invitation to the launch of this new cd, called Dalan. Upon arrival, and seeing the art-work, I noticed that Sangpuy had gone through a considerable transformation: he has adopted a new look and had enlisted the help of many others to produce a cd that is, again by the looks of it, ready to compete with top-quality world music acts. The cd-package is a gem, with fantastic photos and artwork in black, greys and browns, and extensive lyrics and texts in three languages.

Artwork for the cd (photo courtesy of Katatepan Studio)

Artwork for the cd (photo courtesy of Katatepan Studio)


I wondered how much Sangpuy’s new path had changed his music. And I must say, he did an admirable job. He uses the possibilities of the studio and his network of music professionals sparsely and with intelligence. There is a grand opening theme song praising the Lord with big orchestral sounds, but there are also intimate solo songs and instrumental pieces. The dance song Malikasaw, a sort of ‘anthem’ for the Katipul, is captured with its characteristic, optimistic energy with a chorus responding to Sangpuy’s leading voice, and also in a minor-key version. In some traditional songs recordings of the voice of Valikay are blended in, creating a clever post-humous studio collaboration with a voice of the past. Several other sounds from the environment and social gatherings evoke the communal atmosphere of Katipul music and emphasise its deeply social nature. Acoustical music predominates on Dalan, but the closing song uses some looped samples and field recordings to great effect.


With Dalan, Sangpuy stays close to his roots, and focuses on boosting the production side of Katipul music compared to older cd releases. It is clear he will develop his artistic vision step by step, with a strong sense of commitment to his tribal lineage, but with a professional attitude toward the world music business. He wisely demands patience from admirers, of which there are plentiful, who wonder what other new musical directions or collaborations he envisions. Stay tuned!

Mark van Tongern and Sangpuy

With Sangpuy at the cd presentation (photo by Hao Sheng-Hsin)


14 tracks, 49 minutes, 44 page booklet with high quality b/w and color prints enfolded in luxurious cd-package.

Produced by Katatepan Cultural Studio. Tel. 0975689462.

Distributed by / available through Wind Music


More about Sangpuy’s cd, concerts and activities:

Sonic spectrum and Poetic Silhouette: Soloconcert in Taiwan

I present a soloprogram at the First International Arts Festival at the National Chiayi University, in Chiayi, Taiwan, October 18 2012.

Poster Chiayi Arts Festival

Poster Chiayi Arts Festival

Program description for the concert:

The twentieth century constituted a watershed of new vocal and sonic arts, and brought voices from distant times and places closer than ever before. And yet, in the twenty-first century the voice still retains its secrets. Vocalist Mark van Tongeren returns to the simple question: how does the naked voice of a single human being sound, when we strip everything away from it? As it turns out, a voice never comes alone. With his current theme The Polyphony of the Body, van Tongeren exposes the colourful, polyphonic nature of the singing human voice. Drawing upon his studies with traditional overtone singers from the Sayan and Altai mountains of South Siberia, extended-vocal techniques and sound poetry, van Tongeren’s performance moves from the introvert to the extrovert, from blissfull harmony to unpredictable noise. Instruments such as the shruti-box from India, Jew’s harps from Siberia and live electronics are his companions for Sonic spectrum and Poetic Silhouette.