6/20: Concert with Hans de Back

2x Hans & Mark

2x Hans & Mark

My Dutch colleague, the singing-bowl maestro Hans de Back is about to return to Taiwan.  On June 20  there will be another evening of Harmonic-Guttural-Metal Music at Hansuna’s place.


Hans de Back will be playing his singing bowls, gong, Thai temple bells and a wide range of other metal/bronze instruments. I will busy myself with glossolalia, incantations in incomprehensible languages, overtone singing, play my new 12-tone sruti box and even some metally things: Jew’s harps from the Yakut people in Sakha (Siberia) and from the Hmong in Vietnam’s northern highlands.

This mesmerising blend of instrumental and vocal sounds can be enjoyed in the intimate atmoshphere of Hans and Una’s living room in the ShiDa area. Afterwards there will be a chance to try some things out for yourself under our guidance and ask questions.

Date and time: Friday, June 20, 2014, from 19:30 till 21.

Damage: 600 NT$.
You can reserve a seat by writing an email to Miss Una Kao:
Also take note that this summer Hans will offer a new course where you learn to play singing bowls, including a 2-hour personal sound massage from Hans. Something I can highly recommend to anyone!

Cloacinae video online

<p><a href=”http://vimeo.com/94520237″>Cloacinae’s Trip—- Serge Onnen with Mark van Tongeren, Chiaoming Tung and Erika Sprey</a> from <a href=”http://vimeo.com/user3015862″>serge onnen</a> on <a href=”https://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>

Just uploaded on Vimeo (above) and on Youku (here): an impression of the two live performances of Serge Onnen, Erika Sprey, TUNG Chao Ming and myself. The full show lasted one hour, we performed it two times on one evening in Taipei Artist Village.

Serge Onnen compiled the sewer inspection videosequence seen in the middle screen of the clip and he designed the chinese shadowpuppets, which were hand-carved by Tian Xiang in China.  The one-hour inspection video was the starting point, to this was added live-shadowplaying by Serge with Erika Sprey.
TUNG Chaoming played the guzheng (Chinese zither), Mark van Tongeren did vocals, sruti box, live-electronics and field-recordings.

Camera by José Fernandes
Made possible with support from MOCA Taipei, Mondriaan Foundation & Taipei Artist Village.

Tung Chao-Ming with guzheng

Tung Chao-Ming with guzheng