4 concerts this week (NL/PL)

dear listeners,

I’d like to announce a couple of concerts in The Netherlands and in Poland in the coming week:


Monday 18 november, AMSTERDAM, Het Poortgebouw, 1st Floor, Tolhuisweg 2: Oorsprong Curator Series, start at 20 o’ clock. Free-improvisation with flutist Mark Alban Lotz and guitarist Bram Stadhouders and vocalist Mark van Tongeren, and several other exciting music/dance impro-combinations in two other sets that same night.
Link: http://oorsprong.wordpress.com/

Thursday 21 November, AMSTERDAM, Mediamatic/Fabriek – Echokamer, 20:30, Superstringtrio (Rollin Rachele, Mark van Tongeren) and Daphne van Tongeren (light/performance).
Echokamer is a series of events during which composers, musicians and other sound-makers experiment with sound at, and with the sound of, Mediamatic Fabriek. The giant industrial hall reverberates and erodes, and produces quite a bit of sound all by itself. The perfect place for noisy experiments. Read more details about Superstringtrio’s sonic excursion next Thursday on this link: http://www.mediamatic.net/357851/en/echokamer-12-superstringtrio

Sunday 24 November, KRAKOW (Poland), Audio Art Festival/Bunkier Sztuki, 19 o’clock, Superstringtrio. We have been invited by Marek Choloniewski, founder of Audio Art Festival, one of the most long-standing festivals dedicated to Sound Art in all its beautiful, radical and weird manifestations, to join the ranks of many artists who have performed there in past decades. Superstringtrio will present an updated version of its performance Incognito Ergo Sum, premiered in Amsterdam earlier this year at the occasion of the PhD-defense of Mark van Tongeren’s Thresholds of the Audible- thesis at Leiden University. See a short clips of it on Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/64866998. For the full program of the festival, which has already started yesterday and continues next week, check this link: http://www.audio.art.pl/
(with our thanks to Horst Rickels, who gives a workshop and concert in Krakow tomorrow with his Lesley-speakersystem, together with Robert Pravda).

In a couple of hours I am leaving Taiwan. If all goes well I might join Oorbeek tomorrow, Saturday 16 November at the opening of The New Institute in ROTTERDAM. Set 1 at 17 o’ clock, set 2 at 17:45. 6th floor, Museumpark 25, 3015 CB Rotterdam,
Link: http://www.hetnieuweinstituut.nl/nieuwnew

Hope to see you somewhere!

Best wishes,

mark van tongeren

Voice of Dao (up)dates

For those seeking to enrich their voices, let off steam and unlock their hidden creative potential, I organise a bi-weekly (as of 2014: weekly) voice session called Voice of Dao at the training centre of Canjune in Daan district, Taipei. We usually start with silence, breath and body movements to turn away from our busy mind into the body and to the sensations we actually experience. We let the voice come out of a natural breath flow. We listen to and follow its natural resonances. We do not try to sing in an artful way, but to experience how body-mind-voice are intimately connected, and how voice and resonance can serve as a bridge to overcome the dualistic notion of body <> mind. From then on, all kinds of styles and genres of vocalising and musicking may happen, some structured, some wild, some giving insight in your voice, some therapeutic. Exercises are based on yoga, musical and theatrical techniques, and vipassana meditation.

The human voice is a tool that assists human beings to produce a mirror-like reflection of the world around them in their minds. By gaining a deeper understanding and experience of the mechanisms of making sounds, words and music, and of listening, we gradually deepen the connections within ourselves (our body-minds) and with others and the world around us.

When and where:

The normal schedule for Voice of Dao is every two weeks on Thursday, but 10/10  will be changed to 10/9 and 12/26 to 12/24 (2013).

So these are all the dates for the Voice of Dao classes in Taipei up to Januari 2014:
October: Wednesday 9, Tuesday 22. (NOTE: CHANGED FROM THURSDAY 24: that day there will be no class).

November: Thursdays 7, 14.

(November 28 there will be NO class, despite earlier announcement).

December: Thursday 12 and Tuesday 24.

The Training Centre of Canjune is at 4F, number 3 , Lane 151, Fuxing South Road, Section 2, just 20 meters from the corner of FuXing South Road. The nearest MRT station is Technology Building. We start at 10. If you cannot find it, call the training centre: 02 – 27 00 72 91.

Get more details here.

March10-13: PhD defense and performances

On March 13 I shall, deo volente, succesfully defend my thesis

Grenzen van het hoorbare: over de meerstemmigheid van het lichaam (Thresholds of the Audible: about the Multiphony of the Body).

For those interested there are several opportunities to attend performances in the days prior to the defense. All events can be attended free of charge.

Superstringtrio: Rollin Rachele & Mark van Tongeren

Superstringtrio: Rollin Rachele & Mark van Tongeren (Photography Jochem Hartz)

Sunday 10 and Tuesday 12 March

18:30, doors open 18:00

Incognito Ergo Sum, performance

Dokzaal, Plantage Doklaan 8-12, 1018 CM Amsterdam

With Superstringtrio (Rollin Rachele, Mark van Tongeren, voices), Horst Rickels (artistic advice), Daphne van Tongeren (light-performance) and Maksim Chapochnikov (speaker).


mark van tongeren nulpunten

0… / Zeropoints

Monday 11 March

13:30-16:30, ongoing

0…: an overtone singing marathon for two singers

Academy of Creative and Performing Arts, Rapenburg 38, Leiden

 With Superstringtrio (Rollin Rachele, Mark van Tongeren, voices), Paul Oomen (live compositional direction).

Academy of Creative and Performing Arts, Leiden University, Rapenburg 38, Leiden.


Thresholds of the audible

Thresholds of the audible

Wednesday 13 March

12:45 – 13:15 Introductory talk, Zaal 2

13:45 – 14:45 Defense, Senaatskamer

14:45 – 15:45 Reception, downstairs

Academiegebouw, Leiden University, Rapenburg 73, Leiden

On the Fusica website you can find more information on all the events:

Fusica logo

And here you may announce your wish to attend one or more of the events.

Your attendance at one or more of the events will be much appreciated!

Rollin Rachele (Photography: Jochem Hartz)

Rollin Rachele (Photography: Jochem Hartz)

Thanks for sharing, hope to see you.

Mark van Tongeren

Radio-interview over mijn onderzoek naar boventoonzang in Azië

Op zondag 28 oktober zond de Boeddhistische Omroep Stichting een gesprek uit dat Ton Maas met mij had naar aanleiding van mijn onderzoek over boventoonzang en de grenzen van het hoorbare. In het eerste deel kwamen vooral de Aziatische tradities aan bod. De uitzending is hier online te beluisteren: na deze week moet je misschien even doorklikken naar de oudere uitzendingen, en wel die van zaterdag 27 oktober. Het interview is in deel II van de uitzending.

Er zijn onder andere opnames te horen van 3 lama’s van het Drepung Loseling klooster uit Zuid India, die ik 6 jaar geleden in India kon opnemen. Iedereen in Dharamsala was erg druk in verband met de traditionele voordrachten die de Dalai Lama tien dagen lang hield na  het Tibetaanse nieuwjaar( Losar). Het was een groot geluk dat deze monniken, die vaak optreden bij belangrijke rituelen en ceremonieën voor de Dalai Lama, even tijd konden maken, en het was dan ook zo weer voorbij. Maar wat ze presteerden deed me versteld staan, zo spatgelijk was het, en zo anders dan veel andere recitaties en gebeden die ik gehoord heb in de loop der jaren.

De foto is van een cd die andere Drepung monniken maakten in de jaren negentig: mijn foto’s gemaakt in Dharamsala raakten helaas zoek.

Beluister de uitzending van Hemelsbreed van 27 oktober 2012.

Live performances @ Taiwan Computer Music Association

Here are two videos from a live concert at Hsinchu in May 2012. The first piece is mainly based on overtone singing the second one on making computer-like/digital sounds. (Click the links below the photo).


Voice and Shruti performed live @ TCMA 2012 Pt. II by Mark van Tongeren

Live recording from a piece I did in May 2012 in Hsinchu, Taiwan, at the invitation of the Taiwan Computer Music Association. It was an excellent program of works by various Taiwanese composers of music with computers (Jeff Huang. Chao Ming Tung, TZENG Shingkwei and orthers). I was invited to do a piece together with composer Tzeng Shing-kwei and, before that, to do some of my own work. After a piece for extended vocal techniques, also on VIMEO, I did this longer piece of overtone singing with drones from a shruti box.


Extended computer techniques for voice


Another piece I did in Hsinchu at the invitation of the Taiwan Computer Music Association: a work for extended vocal techniques, and also using a Sakha (Siberian) Jew’s harp (or khomus), thereby losely incorporating elements from typical computer generated sounds.


Sonic spectrum and Poetic Silhouette: Soloconcert in Taiwan

I present a soloprogram at the First International Arts Festival at the National Chiayi University, in Chiayi, Taiwan, October 18 2012.

Poster Chiayi Arts Festival

Poster Chiayi Arts Festival

Program description for the concert:

The twentieth century constituted a watershed of new vocal and sonic arts, and brought voices from distant times and places closer than ever before. And yet, in the twenty-first century the voice still retains its secrets. Vocalist Mark van Tongeren returns to the simple question: how does the naked voice of a single human being sound, when we strip everything away from it? As it turns out, a voice never comes alone. With his current theme The Polyphony of the Body, van Tongeren exposes the colourful, polyphonic nature of the singing human voice. Drawing upon his studies with traditional overtone singers from the Sayan and Altai mountains of South Siberia, extended-vocal techniques and sound poetry, van Tongeren’s performance moves from the introvert to the extrovert, from blissfull harmony to unpredictable noise. Instruments such as the shruti-box from India, Jew’s harps from Siberia and live electronics are his companions for Sonic spectrum and Poetic Silhouette.

One-Day Workshop Overtone Singing / Paraphony (May 12 and 21)

(info in chinese below)

After years of, well, silence as a voice teacher in Taiwan, I am going to make some sound and noise again. In May there will be two one-day workshops held in the Shih-Da area in Taipei. Perhaps you know someone who wants to join. Or you could prepare your own, unique Mother’s Day serenade. There’ll be full Chinese translation as well and you can find more info in Chinese below and on http://www.hansuna.blogspot.com/

teaching at Taidong’s St. Mary’s hospital, March 2012

Paraphony is Mark van Tongeren’s approach to sound and music. It reflects his longstanding practice and study of musical techniques from Tuva, Mongolia & Tibet, musical improvisation, avant-garde and experimental music, theatre and performance art, as well as yoga and meditation.

This basic workshop is an introduction to that approach for musicians and non-musicans alike. In the morning we will start with ‘voice-yoga’ exercises to develop attention for body, mind and sound, and explore basic techniques for using the resonances of the natural voice.

After a lunch break, we will listen to and try specific techniques for singing harmonics, and combine voices to work with simple sound structures and compositions. We will finish with a group improvisation.

“聲音瑜珈”… 泛音工作坊

 Voice Yoga by Mark van Tongeren

日期: 5/12(六) 及 5/21(一)
時間: 早上9:30 ~ 下午4:00
主題: Voice Yoga * 泛音工作坊
老師: Mark van Tongeren
費用: NT$3000/每場
人數: 12位


在馬克老師返回歐洲前,五月將舉辦兩天的 Voice Yoga 工作坊。
也會對我們自己的聲音 有更寬廣的探索與領悟!
這次特別邀請 台大音樂系研究所助教 協助翻譯,
馬克老師blog: https://fusica.wordpress.com/

* 報名優惠 *
– 參加過{玩聲音音樂會}者: 可抵$600元
– 兩人同行: NT$5000

* 匯款帳號 *
銀行: 第一銀行 古亭分行 (代號:007)
帳號: 171-68-063496
姓名: 高立言

* 心得分享 *
他的聲音超越了美,對我而言,那是真實,包容了好聽 及無法定義的奇幻!

有一場演出,馬克老師說: 他一開始發出的聲音{很醜}! 哈~{醜}的聲音?!


1995年獲頒吐瓦的 《國際喉音泛唱獎》; 2000年出版 Overtone Singing一書。
重要的是: 當你明白馬克是如何對聲音臣服,如何忠於自己的心

歐瑟之 與 溫馬克 2012年四月七日星期六在北京雜家的演出



至於我的部分,則是召集了眾多好夥伴 : 各種樂器、發聲物件、以及老字號的第二代聲音特效器。雖然從荷蘭運回台北造成一些損傷,但他們卻能跟我的歌聲共奏一曲 ”和諧的亂彈 ”。如果你對這種新和音感到好奇,可以點擊此處先聽為快。

我們的劇目叫 “ 釘恩鍍恩”,這是荷蘭語,意為 “ 幹活兒 “。在那一個鐘頭的時間裡,雜家坐落的那個古意盎然小寺院,將被我們轉化為一個既寫實又超現實的新奇空間。






Onnen/van Tongeren @ ZaJialab, Beijing, 7•apr•2012

Proudly presenting: this Saturday’s performance in Beijing, together with my old friend, artist Serge Onnen. Serge currently resides in Beijing where he is producing the follow-up of his extensive work on shadow/performance, much of which was done with the collective Oorbeek that we are both part of. With a residency in a hutong in the heart of Bejing, Serge is now immersing himself in the ancient art of shadowplay in China.

During the past few weeks we have exchanged ideas about our ZaJialab performance from our respective homes in Beijing and Taiwan. Through skype, Serge has shown me sketches and drawings of objects he will use, and several of his new lamps and lighting set-ups. He has even enlisted the help of some traditional puppetmakers to realise his own designs in the slightly transparent, dried leather that has been used for centuries.

I have dug out the remainder of my musical instruments and sound objects, and an old companion, the second-generation Korg Kaoss Pad (the first generation gave up many years ago). After a break due to moving, it is exciting to find out that my instruments, voice and Kaoss Pad are capable—again—to create a nicely organised chaos when all used together.

The title of our performance is Dingen Doen, which is Dutch for ‘doing things.’ For an hour or so, we are going to transform the small, atmospheric temple that nowadays is ZaJialab into a place that is both real—and surreal.

That’s all we can say for now!

Come and check us out if you happen to be around.

For details:


Duet at Hans de Back’s Taipei residence

as anounced on http://hansuna.blogspot.com/ :



玩聲音 = 2/22(三) 晚上7:30的客廳音樂會

* 尋伺寂靜之夜 *
音樂大師: 泛唱 Mark 與 頌缽 Hans
日期: 2012年2/22(三) !new!
時間: 晚上7:30-9:30 (2hr)
費用: NT$600(每位)
名額: 15位

1) 1hr聲音的景緻: 人聲泛音, 頌缽, 緬甸磬, HAPI, 丁夏演出
2) 1hr玩聲音: 泛唱練習, 現場敲缽體驗

附註: 本活動須事先報名&完成繳費
銀行: 第一銀行 古亭分行 (代號: 007)
帳號: 171-68-063496
姓名: 高立言
聯絡方式: unakao@yahoo.com.tw
伙伴請攜帶保暖衣物 現場備有茶點輕食

(尋)…粗聲暫發; (伺)…細聲隨行
辯證到到 “無尋無伺”, 是佛經中關於心的定靜慮的境界
這是2011年中秋過後, 佛光大學 生命與宗教學系 林香君教授
給Hans的 ≪頌缽音樂會≫所下的標題!

Mark van Tongeren 親自帶領.
首次合作, 精彩可期!